I’m sure I missed tons of the horniest, best songs by trans and nonbinary artists - get in the comments with any other recommendations!Ī preview of some of the horny-as-fuck lyrics herein:
This playlist is for the proudly horny trans and nonbinary babes - and the cis babes who think we’re sexy as Hell - who, this Pride, want to own our sexual desire without shame. But they are the ones I’ve been bumping lately, within the genres I tend to like the best: pop, hyperpop, electronica, hip-hop, and R&B. These aren’t necessarily the horniest songs by trans and nonbinary artists, nor are they necessarily the best. But we’re human! And like most humans, sometimes we really want to fuck. Many trans and nonbinary people within lesbian community find ourselves pressured to limit, hide, or deny our sexual desire in order to avoid that stigma. Trans sexuality is stigmatized everywhere, but in my experience it’s most disappointing when it happens within lesbian community. The 200 Best Lesbian, Bisexual & Queer Movies Of All Time.LGBTQ Television Guide: What To Watch Now.